Tuesday, March 26, 2013

با روز نو، زیر صد اسب، همیشه تاجیکستان

Well, the New Year/Наврӯз/نوروز season is finally over, and if I may say so myself, what a lovely first “Norooz” it was. From the expansive festivities of the “Navruzgoh”, to the company of unlikely, yet completely unforgettable friends, I seriously doubt I will ever have another experience like this ever again. But, various niceties aside, there was one part of “Norooz” that I’d been looking forward to since coming to Tajikistan.


Now, any sport that translates to “goat pulling” is bound to be amazing, but let’s go over the basics. There are people on horses. There is a “ball”, which is a goat carcass, possibly filled with sand. There are two ends of the field, and you must bring the goat from one end to the other. That’s about it. In theory, buzkashi should be a bastard child between rugby in polo. In practice, it’s an equestrian moshpit.

Yet, in the mass of what is basically men and horses (and one woman) beating the living hell out of each other for a goat, it’s still Tajikistan. Standing watching the action curiously, you get to engage similarly curious locals, wondering where you’re from, what you know about buzkashi, and what exactly you’re doing in Tajikistan. No matter where you go in this country, you’ll always find someone, or something, to make you feel welcome.

Next update: Research plans, and a farewell.

As always: Ташаккуру Худо ҳафез

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